Thursday 22 August 2013

UK - West Sussex

West Sussex – Heyshott, Portsmouth

After a pleasant drive from Cheddar, starred by passing close by Stonehenge, but marred only by diversions which occasioned some unplanned back road travels, we arrived at Haslemere to pick up Georgie and Andrew at the railway station, before proceeding on to the picturesque village of Heyshott, to stay with friends Penny and David in their lovely house located at the foot of the South Downs. After an excellent lunch fortified by ample rose wine, someone decided it would be a great idea to go for a walk up on to the South Downs. The South Downs Way walk path (160 Km from Winchester to Eastbourne) runs along the hilltops above the village, and makes a very pleasant way of burning off calories, although I hasten to add that we only walked a few Kms of it before looping back at Heyshott and the local Unicorn Inn to sample some Sussex ales. From the top of the Downs you can see the Isle of Wight and the grandstand of the huge Goodwood racecourse which we visited the next day, as well as the local ruined Cowdray castle, plus an unexpected bonus of a local steam and vintage vehicle show. Pen and I went to Portsmouth to pay our respects to Lord Nelson’s flagship Victory, and visited the excellent Mary Rose museum adjacent, with the remains of Henry VIII’s flagship on display after its long restoration.

Cowdray Castle

Enjoying a pint - Duke of Cumberland pub

Duke of Cumberland pub garden

View from the downs - Isle of Wight in background

Holden Ute at Vintage and Steam vehicle show ! Still going strong ...

Goodwood Park Racecourse

Heyshott Church - built from local flint 

Heyshott Royal Mail

David's excellent XK150

Evening view from Penny and David's house up to the Downs
(Why are Downs actually hills?)

David, Molly, Penny

South Downs Way

Always temptation to lead the walker astray ...

South Down views

Steam traction engine 

Now that's a proper Logo !

A steam Truck !

Typical English public walk path - through someone's wheat paddock!


Nelson's Victory 

Nelson's Victory - mast tops have been removed for maintenance !

HMS Warrior - first steel hulled warship,
with the Spinnaker building in background

Lord Nelson and tourist

Local seafood stall humour ...

Tourists taking tea in the Spinnaker building cafe

View of Portsmouth harbour entrance, Isle of Wight in the background

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