Friday 9 August 2013

UK - Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian’s Wall and Housesteads

On our way from the Lakes district to our next stop in the Yorkshire Dales, we took a detour to visit the old Roman Fort of Housesteads on Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland, near the quaintly named villages of Once Brewed and Twice Brewed. You probably think that Housesteads doesn't sound very Roman, and that's because they called it Vercovicium, a much better name in my view.
The ruins of this fort are apparently the best of those remaining in Britain, and also there is a well preserved section of Hadrian’s anti-Scottish Protection Barrier.
If the Scottish independence referendum gets up, maybe it will need to be rebuilt.
Ruins, with Hadrian's Wall snaking into the background

Part of the fort ruins

Ruins plus modern tourists ...

Clever Romans - Storehouse with stones to raise the floor
 to keep out vermin and water

...and of course, the Aquaduct !

Roman dunny

More fort with modern farmhouse in background

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