Thursday 3 October 2013

Turkey - additional photos

After a battle with the blog software, I had to add these photos separately, as I couldn't get them to append to the previous Turkey post.

Wooden Horse - this one from the 2004 Brad Pitt movie, now located on the foreshore at Canakkale 

Pergamon - base for the altar, which is now in Berlin

Ancient marble and fairly modern wheelbarrow

Temple ruins, Pergamon

Very steep Amphitheatre, Pergamon

Pergamon corridor

Pergamon - note Roman terra cotta pipes, bringing water from the distant hills

Ephesus - upper part of the city

Ephesus - Looking down the main street towards the Library 

Column that survived intact

Fancy bit of marble incorporated into a later wall

Temple ruins - Ephesus

The Goddess Nike - with imagination you can see the famous swish?

Ephesus street view

Ephesus Library - once the 2nd largest in the world

Ancient advertising for Ephesus brothel -
to qualify as a customer, your feet had to fit the mould
and your money had to fill the round hollow

Ephesus Slave Market
Buy a young one, get an old one free!

Ephesus Amphitheatre - gladiator's eye view

Amphitheatre - gladiators entrance

Ephesus street leading to the harbour (the sea is now miles away) 

Amphitheatre entry road 

Kusadasi sunset

Kusadasi harbour from hotel window

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