Tuesday 2 July 2013

Switzerland - Alp Grüm

Bernina Express line - Alp Grüm

Today we awoke to dire weather predictions - fine in the morning and thunderstorms by midday. It was also Pen's birthday so we were looking for something exceptional to do - imagine our delight when we found that there is a station on the Bernina Express line, named Alp Grüm!
Instead of the more famous scenic Bernina Express, we took the local train which stops at all stations. Alp   
Grüm is about half way to Tirano and very scenic, being the second highest point on the line, just before it descends sharply towards Italy. After a suitable pause at Alp Grüm, we caught the train back towards St Moritz, but alighted at Pontresina, two stops prior to St Moritz, and walked the remaining distance along one of the many hiking and biking trails (Wanderwegen) that thread through the hills. As luck would have it, the weather stayed fine the whole way.To top off the day, the Hotel had provided a birthday cake in our room, and Pen found a pair of jeans branded Penelope in a local shop.  Happy Birthday Penelope!

It's a long way to the top ...

Alp Grum glacier view

We are here ...

Alp Grum restaurant

Train destination

Alp Grum station

Grum x 2

Start of walk from Pontresina

Classic railway station building

Ospizio Bernina - highest station on the line at 2253 m

Alp Grum glacier and birthday girl

Hotel Kulm birthday cake

Happy Birthday dear Pen ...

Hiking the trails in Swiss hat 

All stations have walk paths from them

Small lake de Staz near St Moritz end of walk

St Moritz lake and town at end of walk

Train crosses the road 

Train crosses the road with hikers waiting

Train passes Lago Bianco near Ospizio

Train rounds the bend to Alp Grum

Snow making machines idle for the summer

Cows have names and huge cowbells

Edelweiss, Edelweiss ...

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