Monday 10 June 2013

France - Bordeaux

Bordeaux and Chateau la France

After great difficulty locating the rental car drop off location at Lisbon, we caught an Easyjet flight to Bordeaux to meet up with a group of friends for the next phase of our trip. Bordeaux was much more interesting than we expected, with the old part of the city containing many fine buildings, housing lots  of restaurants and up-market shopping.
Having picked up a large mini-bus next day
to carry everyone, we headed off to Chateau La France, near Beychac-et-Caillaux, about 30 Km from Bordeax, and not far from St Emilion. The Chateau was excellent, and had a Cave underneath with all of the wines produced by the vineyard on which it is located. We managed to sample all of them on the first night and continued to do so for the remainder of the stay. Some excellent meals were enjoyed, thanks in large part to Roland and his gift for shopping and cooking, and despite his execrable command of French! The winery has adopted a giant rooster (le grand Coq in French) as their emblem, and a lot of pixels were consumed photographing it from various angles.

A day trip to Arcachon on the coast was interesting, and included a walk up and down a huge sand dune which is engulfing the forest.

We had two excellent lunches organised by Bev - one at Chateau Grand Barrail about 2 Km from St Emilion, was outstanding. We also had a wine tour of Chateau Lascombes in the Margaux appellation, followed by a lunch in the nearby village. Too much to write up in detail, but some photos below give a flavour of this part of the trip.

Chateau and lupins

Chateau in evening light - the dovecote tower
on the right survived the French Revolution

Sunset from front of Chateau

Sun reflected in windows

Winery doors 

Le Grand Coq

Chateau interior with pool table ...
Le Grand Dune from below

Le Grand Dune from the top

Les jeune filles sur la plage

Jetee at Arcachon
Tram tracks to Bordeaux cathedral 

Bordeaux Cathedral - partly cleaned 

Bordeaux - old city gate
Picturesque Chateau Lascombes - Margaux
Lascombes barrels - wine at 100 Euros a bottle !

Chateau - doors to winery

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